75 years Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth
Dear visitors and friends of the Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth,
Welcome to our anniversary year:
75 years of young artists from all over the world in Bayreuth, 75 years of challenging work in the workshops of our academy, 75 years of experimentation and innovation!
This year, we are focusing on the general idea of E:MOTION! Why? Because it's a fantastic fit for us: Emotion is one of the most powerful forces in art; it moves, connects and inspires. Emotion and passion are both a means of expression for our artists and a connecting element between cultures and generations.
Our tradition is a strong foundation! And an obligation! We face up to the many challenges when it comes to new structures, diversity, and sustainability. We are therefore “a true festival of the future”, as our patron, Minister of State Markus Blume, describes it.
Join us, take part!
With great anticipation and best wishes,
Sissy Thammer
Board member and mentor of the new team:
Prof. Fredrik Schwenk, Artistic Director
Sonali Trauner, Administrative Director
Upcoming events of the 75th Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth
Greetings on our 75th anniversary
All news and press reports about the Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth
Stay up to date - experience the festival close behind the scenes and visit us on Facebook and Instagram!
Current news, pictures, videos as well as exciting contributions and background information about the Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth can also be found on our Facebook page and our Instagram page:
Pictures, videos and TV